Over the past decades, a lots of public awareness campaign had been done to promote healthy life style and avoid AIDS! There are WHO, Government and private sectors that runs the mega project on the humanity field.Besides, the education programmes
that focus on high-risk groups are also a major part of national HIV prevention
campaigns. As a part of community, a ways to support and contributes to these with join the campaign and yeay!!

We made it plus we broke d record n listed in MALAYSIAN BOOK OF RECORD for 24/7 relay run to support n create awareness towards community.
Two thumbs up for those involved in the campaign! Congratulations!
~meinn.anip.chat.nawa.akhbar~!! d best!!

~Relay run at 12.30pm-2.30 am~

Congratez u guys!

cayala korg....abis semua jd slim..~~
(sakit kaki, sakit hati....semua ada..)
*pengalaman katakan...haahaa....
=)) taw xpe!! but at least we made it!
maju nawa..
gud lk to you nawa..
hahaha due,u too!! update la ur blog!!hoho
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