It is so bored at home,when u realized that u r d 1 that oldest at home n need to do every single chores!=P

But itsokey these time at least i got to spend time, contributes and polishing my 'house-wife practises'..yayayaya!
hah!i remembered 1 of my fren dat wanna get married rite after finishing their studies,wut daaa..huhu
hey, relax n lay back to the great life. fulfill ya dreams n achieve every single things that u cant achieve when u r married.gosh!! *sound jealousy hah??* hahaha..naaa~=P.
nawa jeles ya? pi la ikut kawin skali...lallala
aa jom..=P
xjeles tp haiya awl er kawen, byk bnd lg pntg nk buat..h0h0h0~
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