Yippy!!! Noe wut?i jez came back from holidays, kind of..hee~ actually from the university’s programs which held at Bandung and Jogjakarta. It was unexpected journey with my friends, faiz.akmal.din.due.anip.iqbal.hazwan.razi.wai keong.halim.mina.yana.lina.nik.akma.nadia.dhia. azie.afiqah.atik.izzah.ina.yam.fairuz.aqilah.
So, the main point for the programs was to expose the student to outside world within to learn and apply the soft skills. Yeah, we had a lot of new things that we had learnt and forgetful. Through the journeys, we had gone through the difficulties and happiness together. Due to the cooperation and responsibilities from everyone, the objective was achieved. The memories will always bear in mind and kept on with the flows of time.
Here, some sketches of diaries along a week on the journey. The happiness and sadness that my friends and I gone through.
The beginning of, actually, I was kinda afraid because this was my first time on flight, haha.. I love to experience it because I want to try many new things!! So I just relax and calm at my seats in the Garuda Air. During the departure I was like wanna cry+excited+scare, which a lot of things scattered in my mind..huh.. But after the ‘oldies stewardess’ (hehe..) gave the orange juice and talking to Izzah and Dhia, who sat besides me, I felt like hey,its cool huh? I made it because I didn’t vomit!(^_^) the foods that they deserves also delicious!!nyum3.. It was 3.45 pm and we arrived at the Soeharto Airports, Jakarta around 5.30pm at Malaysia, which was an hour earlier than the time in Jakarta. There, a bus was waiting to pick us and we had to sit in the bus for 2 hours before the arrival to Bandung.
The sweetest part.. Heyya, I love Bandung!! The weather is colder at night. So after packing our things, Mina my roommate n me having a bath and preparing for our dates??ahaha It was a small reunion with my beloved cousins, Mohd Helmi Jaafar and our close and close fwenz,Haikal Ambri Rosle, hak3… Mohd Arif, Shishi. They were doctor wannabe and studying at Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung. It was so sweet that my cuz, Helmi went alone to the Jatinangor Hotel just to meet and having a dinner at Cherry’s Corner Cafe. Thanks a lot to haikal, who treated the dinner (Sapi Black Pepper & Hot Choc), arif and shishi. Love3~
Aiy0oh, I was lazy to describe everything so I did some summary for every day that I gone through..hehe
2nd day- Went to UNPAD(Universitas Padjadjaran) to discuss about research on water quality. Kidnap Haikal as our guide tour,hek3.. Shopping at Pasar Baru and Rumah Mode!! He treats me with Ice Lemon Tea and Batagor, traditional foods which made from Tauhu and Fish Ball in it. Nyummy!! We went to Yogyakarta for the next activities.
3rd day- We were placed in the home stay at Kg. Rejoso, Joeonalan Klaten, Jateng Indonesia by our guide tour, Suryanto Purwo Atmojo a.k.a Mas Yan. We arrived at Air Mancur for research on herbs as Jamu.
We Went to Universitas Gadjah Mada for a visits and I met Safwan a.k.a Si Chantek and Azman,haha.. Nice to meet you guys again. Lastly, shopping at Marlioboro.
4th- we had sight-seeing to Candi Borobudur(which entry fees is 61,000 rupiah), Candi Prambanen and Monumen Yogyakarta.
5th- sosi0-services to BAKESOS, rumah jompo. next to orphanage, Panti Asuhan Putri and Putra Muhammadiyah. We performed the Zapin!!
6th- Medical Services to Kg.Rejoso villagers. Finally, 10 hours in the bus from jogja to jakarta!! so tired!
7th- im home!!!
jeles2...!!!!!!! dpt jmpe helmi...!!!!!
damn aku jealous!
pegi under univ plak tuu...
lolz...yana len kali kte pegi same2 ok?haha,,honeymoon kat bandung not bad gak~
jealous pe nyer,ello00 natul..ko pg pursue study at ireland o poland nt lg la ko ley merayau n ronggeng2..huuu~
i sangat jelesssssssssssssssssss
nice group of zapin...heheh
zapin group..d PBD aka PussyBEbek Doll!!ahaha
thx Br0!!
Bestnye dpt peluang gi..pasni dtg la cni plak ye.. :-)
h0h0h0..lau india bek further study ter0s!!huhu
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