Gr0up MemBers~SyaRifaH+TrAH+mE+Rai~ thX 4 eVrtg gUrLs~ D 1st day at diz camp, i felt d str0ng friendship that tied us. d relation dat forces me in d right waY to bec0me a better person in life,truLy DeepLy becausE of HIM..amin. We were at The Sukida Resort, Semenyih, Selangor for 3 days n 2 nights.^_^

we maDe iT!!!Love diz camp becausE we Conquer all of tHe aCtivitiEs..d Islamic Leadership+co0peraTion+ fRienDship+rEsponsiBility=hav0c!!
With Ecah,Aqma, Fai n our group fasilitator-Bro.Al-Bari,an unique name huh?..BHM students..^_^he is sp0rting en0ugh to help n treat us..hek3..h0h0 especially in d 'Burung Hantu' activities, which end ar0und 3am in d Sungai Tekala forest.
~SweeteSt Mem0ry evEn theRe are s0me unWanted inciDents,hehe~
missing the moment we are together..
one of it wk2 time nite walk..
adeh...seram sejuk juga r time kt dlm hutan tue..
genggam tgn wajib..
erat gitue..
sayangnye nawa x sempt posing ats titi yg jd isu hngat tue..
ahaww~taw xpe akma..h0h0
seram sgt time kne pisah lam hutan yg makutkan 2-3 pgii..gler btol, da la xle nk bc ayat2,huk2..
yg ttgal lam hutan lak 1 cter..
ell00~even xsmpt ade lam pic tu,tp tgok la sape yg amek ok..haha
This is a topic that's close to my heart... Take care! Exactly where are your contact details though?
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